I have a testimony!

I have a testimony. I was reading my daily devotional today and it suddenly dawned on me that there’s this testimony I haven’t shared. Here it is! I graduated from the university in the year 2015 with high hopes for my future. I did the mandatory national service for a year and afterwards, unfortunately, I…

#WinterABC: Day 22 – It’s A Wrap!

Time flies when you are having the most fun and just within the twinkle of an eye, the WinterABC challenge is over. This challenge has been great. I went from not writing at all for over a year, to writing and publishing almost everyday. I wasn’t so consistent, I skipped a couple of days mainly…

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 30

We’ve finally come to the end of this month long challenge and it’s been one hell of a ride, especially during lazy and busy moments which compelled me to combine two or three posts together. I’m grateful for sticking with me through this journey. My special thanks goes out to one of my newest followers, Christopher…

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 29

Wow! We’re almost ending the challenge and so far so good. Let’s delve straight into what the challenge says about today. Day 29 says “Something at home” and that would definitely be our radio. Giving us firsthand information, local, international and entertainment news and playing loud nonstop music, our radio has become a part of…

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 22-28

The holidays have been fun with lots to drink and eat and cool places to hang out. I’ve actually lost track of time. It’s Christmas, people! Merry Christmas! Without taking much of your time, let’s continue with the challenge. I’ve missed a lot of the days. Day 22 says “Book”. I’m thankful for this book,…

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 18, 19 & 20

I’m late. Pressure keeps mounting up on me these days but the challenge must and will go on. Day 18 says “quote”. This quote “It’s not over until it’s over” is responsible for many of the things I haven’t missed out on in my life. Ever since my 12 or 13 year old self came…

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 17

So I’m supposed to be thankful for a “store” today. This post just cast my mind back to the neighbourhood I used to live in some years ago. There was this provision store that never closed and always had everything in stock. That store was a lifesaver and you could always get whatever you wanted…

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 14 & 15

Hello there, I deliberately missed yesterday’s post because I felt it would be too short to publish and so like I’ve done before, I’m merging it with today’s. Day 14 of the challenge says “something new”. I’m thankful for the new pairs of shoes I received just two days ago. I’m loving them already and…

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 12 & 13

So I missed yesterday’s post. I was so busy and by the time I was free, I was extremely tired. Without much delay, let’s move on to today’s post. I’m combining Days 12 and 13. Day 12 of the challenge says “gadget”. Well, I don’t own much gadgets and the one I’m most thankful for…

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 11

It’s Day 11 of the Thankfulness challenge and I’m thankful for the tradition of giving always practiced in my family.  I come from a family where giving was instilled into me right from childhood. I’ve witnessed my parents give their time, effort and resources to others to ease their troubles and put a smile on…