I’ve got a mind full of unsaid things! Again!

I’ve got a mind full of unsaid things! Again! I might just say them today. Well, here goes! They leave! They always do! Same way they come! Same way they go! With each time, Getting more intense than earlier! Could it be my standards? Or flaws? Or perhaps my approach? I’m getting too used to…

#WinterABC: Day 21 – The Things We Leave Behind!

Slowly, the WinterABC challenge is coming to an end! For the penultimate post, I’ve been tasked to recycle one of my old posts and bring it back to life. Here’s a post from the past which I have recycled. I hope you enjoy it. The things we leave behind — buildings, people, experiences — rarely…

#WinterABC: Day 18 – Unwanted!

I am particularly excited about Day 18’s prompt. I’m to write a story and include the line by the time he woke up, I was dying….. So let me tell you a story. It goes like this: By the time he woke up, I was dying. With the speed of lightning, he scooped me up…

The No-Show Birthday!

Imagine this! It’s your birthday, you’re miles away from home with literally no gadget to communicate with friends, family and loved ones. Everyone knows how much of a social media freak and birthday lover you are but it’s your birthday and there’s no show from you. This was me last December. I needed a break…

When Life Happens

Him: Heya Her: Hi boo. What’s up with you?  Him: I’m good. Trying to finish a plate of rice here. Her: Foodie. You won’t even invite me. Him: I’ll forward your share to you soon. Lol. Her: Your big head okay? Him: How was your day?  Her: Tiring. There was too much work in the…


Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons,…