I have a testimony!

I have a testimony. I was reading my daily devotional today and it suddenly dawned on me that there’s this testimony I haven’t shared. Here it is! I graduated from the university in the year 2015 with high hopes for my future. I did the mandatory national service for a year and afterwards, unfortunately, I…

Open Letter #9: To God

Dear God,  It’s me, Amanda! I had an awesome time in your presence at the Breakthrough Conference today and I must admit, it was refreshing to hear you speak through your servants to renew my faith. I’ve been in quite a mess these past weeks, wondering where my life and plans are headed towards but…

Twisted III (Final Part)

My mother picked up the phone and talked to my brother while my sister held on to me. He gave her more details about the happenings in the church. She hang up and came to my side and held me too. I had gone blank and was staring into space. “It is a lie. He’ll…

Twisted II

Personally, I don’t like sequels. I feel it changes or even “spoils” the story line. I wasn’t going to write one for this story but requests from some readers and constant begging from some friends pushed me to write this. I hope it pleases you all and as the title suggests, I have twisted it…


“Come on Gina, just try it. It’ll do you no harm”, Martha tried to convince me. I shivered as I cast a look at the strange looking woman who was sitting in front of me. She had a headgear on and beads all over both arms. Her face was oval and smooth and she had…