I have a testimony!

I have a testimony. I was reading my daily devotional today and it suddenly dawned on me that there’s this testimony I haven’t shared. Here it is! I graduated from the university in the year 2015 with high hopes for my future. I did the mandatory national service for a year and afterwards, unfortunately, I…

I’ve got a mind full of unsaid things! Again!

I’ve got a mind full of unsaid things! Again! I might just say them today. Well, here goes! They leave! They always do! Same way they come! Same way they go! With each time, Getting more intense than earlier! Could it be my standards? Or flaws? Or perhaps my approach? I’m getting too used to…

#WinterABC: Day 4 – Becoming Amanda!

Better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn’t smile back. – Unknown That’s it. That’s the quote that perfectly describes me. I’ve been told several times that I have a nice smile and that makes it easy for people to approach me. I am a spontaneous, fun-loving and no-nonsense person and…

The No-Show Birthday!

Imagine this! It’s your birthday, you’re miles away from home with literally no gadget to communicate with friends, family and loved ones. Everyone knows how much of a social media freak and birthday lover you are but it’s your birthday and there’s no show from you. This was me last December. I needed a break…

Chapter 26!

This post should have been published on 22nd December but I had a very busy day (responding to birthday messages, answering phone calls and all the things that come with birthdays) so I’m now doing it. I lost track of time. So 22nd December, 2018 was my birthday! Yassss! Before I go ahead with this…


The monster I’m fighting has many heads!