Liebster Award


I have been nominated for yet another award called the Liebster award by Joseyphina. Thank you Jo for the nomination, I’m honored. You can all check out her blog for her motivational and inspiring write ups. 

These are the rules of The Liebster Award:

These are the questions I’m supposed to answer:

1. From what country do you belong? What do you like most about your country?
I’m from Ghana in West Africa. I like the free and friendly nature of my country members and the peaceful atmosphere we enjoy. There’s nothing like being in a peaceful country, free from all sorts of violence and war. It’s no wonder that we have a world record for being one of the most peaceful countries.

2. Name your favorite movie. Why is it your favorite?
Mmm well, I don’t really watch movies so I don’t have a favorite one. I only watch movies when they are recommended to me. Lots of people recommended War Room to me. I watched it and enjoyed every bit of it and how it sparked up my prayer life. I’d say War Room is my favorite movie for now.

3. Define love and friendship. 
Well, well, well. Love, in my opinion is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing another’s wellbeing. It’s a choice we make. 
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people.

4. Which was the last book/novel/story you read that had a great impact on you?
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. 

5. Narrate a funny incident of your life.
Lol do I really have to say this? I fell flat on my face one Friday on my way to work. I dressed casually and finished it up with heels. I was in a haste because I was late. In my haste, I lost my balance and fell flat. People were around and to save my face, I got up, dusted myself and kept walking.

6. What do you aspire to be in life?
I have quite a number of ambitions but the one that tops it all is to be a source of hope and encouragement to people. I have a passion for helping and putting smiles on the faces of people and would like to be a philanthropist.

7. Why do you write?
I write because it comes to me naturally. I usually find myself twisting words to create meaning. Growing up, I was always seen writing short stories and articles but of late, I do it as a hobby.

8. Can money buy happiness? Please be honest.
It depends on one’s idea of happiness. To me, happiness is being free to go about your daily activities, having a family and friends you can look up to and not worrying about what tomorrow brings because God’s got you. I don’t think money can buy those.

9. Whom do you love the most in the world?
My mum. She’s everything packaged into one human being. She’s just too good and I personally believe God made her my mum for a purpose.

10. Are you a veggie or non-veggie? What’s your favorite food?
I’m a non-veggie. My love for chicken wings just won’t permit me to be a veggie.
My favorite food is and will always be boiled yam and garden egg stew.

11. Which is your favorite sport and sportsperson?
I like basketball and Steph Curry is my favorite sportsperson. His love for God is on a serious level and I admire him for that.

11 facts about me:

1. I love God. I believe in the Bible and its teachings. I’m a Christian, a Charismatic.

2. I love detective and adventure books.

3. I’m obsessed with weddings.

4. I love cakes. Chocolate cake is my addiction!

5. I love shoes, high heels to be precise. Irrespective of my height. I’m 5’10.

6. I enjoy traveling and sightseeing. One of the items on my bucket list is to travel the world with the love of my life. I’m quite a dreamer. Lol.

7. I started writing at the age of 8. My first book was a comic.

8. I love the smell of freshly baked bread.

9. My biggest pet peeve is noisy eaters. I just can’t tolerate such people.

10. I cry a lot. I’m emotional.

11. I’m a foodie. Seeing and smelling food just makes me happy. And eating it, I’ll just leave it to your imagination. 

I nominate the following people for the Liebster award:

The Silent Schmoozer 
Walk with Beckhar
The Vu Chronicles
Awo Writes
Oddinary Perspectives

And now to the questions I’m supposed to ask.

1. What’s your relationship with your maker?

2. What motivates you to write?

3. What’s your favorite blog post so far? Share the link to it.

4. What’s the coolest thing about you?

5. Do you believe in love?

6. What’s your favorite genre of music and who is your all time favorite musician?

7. Is there anything you’d like to change about your life? If yes, why?

8. Who motivates you the most?

9. If you won a lottery, what is the first thing you’d buy?

10. What’s your favorite color?

11. Given the choice, what holiday would you prefer? City break, beach break or adventure holiday?

I hope you all accept the nomination and I’ll be looking forward to reading your posts.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. OddinaryNana says:


    Liked by 1 person

  2. So I’m reading your 10 facts and it’s like I’m having an outer body experience!! Everything is so me! The wedding obsession!!!!! I have an entire Pinterest album dedicated to my wedding! I promise if a man walked into my life and proposed tomorrow, I’d have the wedding that very same day. I have everything planned, down to the food and drink that will be served! *note to self* be very ashamed lol

    Thank you for the nomination! I will post about this on Monday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joymanda says:

      Alright I’ll be expecting to read yours. Oh as for the wedding, all my friends know. I can watch wedding videos and never get tired of them. It has become part of me.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. M'afua Awo Twumwaah says:

    Nomination accepted. Your post is lit. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joymanda says:

      Aww thanks dear. I’ll be looking forward to yours.


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