Open Letter #9: To God

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Dear God, 
It’s me, Amanda! I had an awesome time in your presence at the Breakthrough Conference today and I must admit, it was refreshing to hear you speak through your servants to renew my faith. I’ve been in quite a mess these past weeks, wondering where my life and plans are headed towards but after hearing today’s and most of this week’s messages, my faith has been boosted and I’m going to continue to trust you. Even though everything looks uncertain, I’ll hold on because my latter shall be greater.

I thank you for letting me find you and rescuing me in the most vulnerable moment in my life and I really should put up a post to share my testimony and how I found you. I’m grateful for my church and the lives of all my church members and shepherds who are doing their best to make my journey with you, a meaningful and fulfilling one: the bible teachings and studies, the sermons, the fellowship and cell meetings among others. I thank you for the lives of my family members, relatives and friends and for all of life’s little treasures which make it worth living; food to eat, water to drink, air to breathe, shelter, sunshine, rainfall, giggles, smiles, laughter and many others.

My walk with you has not been a totally smooth one. Sometimes it’s all rosy and other times, I falter and wander away. There are times when my faith gets so strong and my prayer life gets consistent. I get so in love with you and my prayers get answered miraculously. Other times, I wander and become indifferent refusing to come to you in prayer during difficult times. I sometimes lose hope when my prayers are not promptly answered and feel down. There have been good days, indifferent moments, intimate talks, low moments, deep moments of prayers and joyful times of praises and worship. During the moments that I draw near to you, you continue to show me your love and during the moments I wander away, you’re always with me and open your arms widely enough any time I come running back to prove to me that you’re a forgiving God and no matter how far I wander away, your love for me will never end.

Countless times, you have saved me and shown me mercy even when I don’t deserve it. Sometimes I act in ways which I believe saddens you and makes me undeserving of being called a Christian but your love covers all my sins. You’ve seen me through good and bad times. You have strengthened me to achieve wonderful things and been my pillar in my weakest moments. I can’t thank you enough for all the things you have done for me and keep doing and through this letter, I want to express my sincerest and purest form of gratitude.

I have so much on my mind to tell you but I’ll save some of them for a one on one talk with you. I pray that the coming days will see my walk with you developing deeper and stronger. I pray that my faith increases so that I can trust you and hold on even when things seem bleak. I pray for discernment to know when you’re at work and when to turn away. Let me hear you when you call and fill me with goodness and kindness and grant me divine strength to brave the storms. I will continue to trust in you and walk in your path. Till we meet again, I will sign off here.

Your favorite one,


2 Comments Add yours

  1. This post is soooo me😊I love it

    Liked by 1 person

    1. joymanda says:

      Awww thanks. I’m glad you like it 😀


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